New Quizzes API
New Quizzes | Get a new quizList new quizzesCreate a new quizUpdate a single quizDelete a new quiz |
API for accessing and building New Quizzes. To interact with New Quiz items, see the New Quiz Items API.
A NewQuiz object looks like:
// the ID of the quiz
"id": "5",
// the title of the quiz
"title": "Hamlet Act 3 Quiz",
// the quiz's instructions
"instructions": "<p>Welcome to the final exam for...</p>",
// the ID of the quiz's assignment group
"assignment_group_id": "3",
// The total point value given to the quiz
"points_possible": 20,
// when the quiz is due
"due_at": "2013-01-23T23:59:00-07:00",
// when to lock the quiz
"lock_at": null,
// when to unlock the quiz
"unlock_at": "2013-01-21T23:59:00-07:00",
// whether the quiz has a published or unpublished draft state
"published": true,
// the type of grading the assignment receives ('pass_fail', 'percent',
// 'letter_grade', 'gpa_scale', or 'points')
"grading_type": "points",
// additional quiz settings (see QuizSettings)
"quiz_settings": null
A QuizSettings object looks like:
// type of calculator the user will have access to during the quiz ('none',
// basic' or 'scientific')
"calculator_type": "scientific",
// whether access to the quiz should be restricted to the IP address ranges
// described in 'filters'
"filter_ip_address": true,
// IP address ranges from which users can take the quiz, if 'filter_ip_address'
// is true
"filters": {"ips":[["",""],["",""]]},
// whether questions should be shown all at once ('none') or one-at-a-time
// ('question')
"one_at_a_time_type": "none",
// whether to allow user to return to previous questions when
// 'one_at_a_time_type' is set to 'question'
"allow_backtracking": false,
// whether answers should be shuffled during quiz
"shuffle_answers": false,
// whether questions should be shuffled during quiz
"shuffle_questions": false,
// whether to require an access code to take the quiz (set as
// 'student_access_code')
"require_student_access_code": true,
// access code that is required to take the quiz if
// 'require_student_access_code' is true
"student_access_code": "supersecret",
// whether the quiz has a time limit (set as 'session_time_limit_in_seconds')
"has_time_limit": true,
// time limit during the quiz (in seconds)
"session_time_limit_in_seconds": 3600,
// settings to configure multiple quiz attempts (see MultipleAttemptsSettings)
"multiple_attempts": null,
// settings to restrict student result view (see ResultViewSettings)
"result_view_settings": null
A MultipleAttemptsSettings object looks like:
// whether to allow multiple attempts
"multiple_attempts_enabled": true,
// whether to limit the number of attempts if 'multiple_attempts_enabled' is
// true. Unlimited attempts if false.
"attempt_limit": true,
// number of attempts to allow if 'multiple_attempts_enabled' and
// 'attempt_limit' are true
"max_attempts": 3,
// specifies which score to keep after attempts ('average', 'first', 'highest',
// or 'latest')
"score_to_keep": "highest",
// whether to enforce a waiting period after an attempt (set as
// 'cooling_period_seconds')
"cooling_period": true,
// required waiting period (in seconds) between attempts. Enforced if
// 'cooling_period' is true.
"cooling_period_seconds": 1800
A ResultViewSettings object looks like:
// whether to restrict the student result view
"result_view_restricted": true,
// whether to show points awarded (overall and per question), if
// 'result_view_restricted' is true
"display_points_awarded": true,
// whether to show points possible (overall and per question), if
// 'result_view_restricted' is true
"display_points_possible": true,
// whether to show questions in the result view, if 'result_view_restricted' is
// true
"display_items": true,
// whether to show student's responses in the result view, if 'display_items' is
// true
"display_item_response": true,
// whether student responses should be shown for all attempts ('always'), only
// once after each attempt ('once_per_attempt'), only after their last attempt
// ('after_last_attempt'), or only once after their last attempt
// ('once_after_last_attempt'). if 'display_item_response' is true
"display_item_response_qualifier": "always",
// when student responses should be shown to them, if 'display_item_responses'
// is true
"show_item_responses_at": "2024-06-20T20:00:00.000-06:00",
// when student responses should be hidden from them, if
// 'display_item_responses' is true. must be later than 'show_item_responses_at'
"hide_item_responses_at": "2024-06-21T20:00:00.000-06:00",
// whether to indicate whether the student's response is correct/incorrect, if
// 'display_item_response' is true
"display_item_response_correctness": true,
// whether student response correctness should be shown for all attempts
// ('always') or only after their last attempt ('after_last_attempt'), if
// 'display_item_response_correctness' is true
"display_item_response_correctness_qualifier": "always",
// when correctness of student responses should be shown to them, if
// 'display_item_response_correctness' is true
"show_item_response_correctness_at": "2024-06-20T20:00:00.000-06:00",
// when correctness of student responses should be hidden from them, if
// 'display_item_response_correctness' is true. must be later than
// 'show_item_response_correctness_at'
"hide_item_response_correctness_at": "2024-06-21T20:00:00.000-06:00",
// whether to show the correct answer for each question, if
// 'display_item_response_correctness' is true
"display_item_correct_answer": true,
// whether to show feedback for each item, if 'display_items' is true
"display_item_feedback": true
Get a new quiz
GET /api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes/:assignment_id
Get details about a single new quiz.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
course_id | Required | integer |
no description |
assignment_id | Required | integer |
The id of the assignment associated with the quiz. |
Example Request:
curl 'https://<canvas>/api/quiz/v1/courses/1/quizzes/12' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
List new quizzes
GET /api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes
Get a list of new quizzes.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
course_id | Required | integer |
no description |
Example Request:
curl 'https://<canvas>/api/quiz/v1/courses/1/quizzes' \
-H 'Authorization Bearer <token>'
Create a new quiz
POST /api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes
Create a new quiz for the course.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
course_id | Required | integer |
no description |
quiz[title] | string |
The title of the quiz. |
quiz[assignment_group_id] | integer |
The ID of the quiz’s assignment group. |
quiz[points_possible] | number |
The total point value given to the quiz. Must be positive. |
quiz[due_at] | DateTime |
When the quiz is due. |
quiz[lock_at] | DateTime |
When to lock the quiz. |
quiz[unlock_at] | DateTime |
When to unlock the quiz. |
quiz[grading_type] | string |
The type of grading the assignment receives.
Allowed values: |
quiz[instructions] | string |
Instructions for the quiz. |
quiz[quiz_settings][calculator_type] | string |
Specifies which type of Calculator a student can use during Quiz taking. Should be null if no calculator is allowed.
Allowed values: |
quiz[quiz_settings][filter_ip_address] | boolean |
Whether IP filtering is needed. Must be true for filters to take effect. |
quiz[quiz_settings][filters][ips][] | string |
Specifies ranges of IP addresses where the quiz can be taken from. Each range is an array like [start address, end address], or null if there’s no restriction. |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][multiple_attempts_enabled] | boolean |
Whether multiple attempts for this quiz is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][attempt_limit] | boolean |
Whether there is an attempt limit. Only set if multiple_attempts_enabled is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][max_attempts] | Positive Integer |
The allowed attempts a student can take. If null, the allowed attempts are unlimited. Only used if attempt_limit is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][score_to_keep] | string |
Whichever score to keep for the attempts. Only used if multiple_attempts_enabled is true.
Allowed values: |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][cooling_period] | boolean |
Whether there is a cooling (waiting) period. Only used if multiple_attempts_enabled is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][cooling_period_seconds] | Positive Integer |
Required waiting period in seconds between attempts. If null, there is no required time. Only used if cooling_period is true |
quiz[quiz_settings][one_at_a_time_type] | string |
Specifies the settings for questions to display when quiz taking.
Allowed values: |
quiz[quiz_settings][allow_backtracking] | boolean |
Whether to allow user to return to previous questions when ‘one_at_a_time_type’ is set to ‘question’. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][result_view_restricted] | boolean |
Whether the results view is restricted for students. Must be true for any student restrictions to be set. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_points_awarded] | boolean |
Whether points are shown. Must set result_view_restricted to true to use this parameter. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_points_possible] | boolean |
Whether points possible is shown. Must set result_view_restricted to true to use this parameter. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_items] | boolean |
Whether to show items in the results view. Must be true for any items restrictions to be set. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response] | boolean |
Whether item response is shown. Only set if display_items is true. Must be true for display_item_response_qualifier, show_item_responses_at, hide_item_responses_at, and display_item_response_correctness to be set. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response_qualifier] | string |
Specifies after which attempts student responses should be shown to them. Only used if display_item_response is true.
Allowed values: |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][show_item_responses_at] | DateTime |
When student responses should be shown to them. Only used if display_item_response is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][hide_item_responses_at] | DateTime |
When student responses should be hidden from them. Only used if display_item_response is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response_correctness] | boolean |
Whether item correctness is shown. Only set if display_item_response is true. Must be true for display_item_response_correctness_qualifier, show_item_response_correctness_at, hide_item_response_correctness_at and display_item_correct_answer to be set. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response_correctness_qualifier] | string |
Specifies after which attempts student response correctness should be shown to them. Only used if display_item_response_correctness is true.
Allowed values: |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][show_item_response_correctness_at] | DateTime |
When student response correctness should be shown to them. Only used if display_item_response_correctness is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][hide_item_response_correctness_at] | DateTime |
When student response correctness should be hidden from them. Only used if display_item_response_correctness is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_correct_answer] | boolean |
Whether correct answer is shown. Only set if display_item_response_correctness is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_feedback] | boolean |
Whether Item feedback is shown. Only set if display_items is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][shuffle_answers] | boolean |
Whether answers should be shuffled for students. |
quiz[quiz_settings][shuffle_questions] | boolean |
Whether questions should be shuffled for students. |
quiz[quiz_settings][require_student_access_code] | boolean |
Whether an access code is needed to take the quiz. |
quiz[quiz_settings][student_access_code] | string |
Access code to restrict quiz access. Should be null if no restriction. |
quiz[quiz_settings][has_time_limit] | boolean |
Whether there is a time limit for the quiz. |
quiz[quiz_settings][session_time_limit_in_seconds] | Positive Integer |
Limit the time a student can work on the quiz. Should be null if no restriction. |
Example Request:
curl 'https://<canvas>/api/quiz/v1/courses/1/quizzes' \
-H 'Authorization Bearer <token>' \
-d 'quiz[title]=New quiz' \
-d 'quiz[assignment_group_id]=1' \
-d 'quiz[points_possible]=100.0' \
-d 'quiz[due_at]=2023-01-02T00:00:00Z' \
-d 'quiz[lock_at]=2023-01-03T00:00:00Z' \
-d 'quiz[unlock_at]=2023-01-01T00:00:00Z' \
-d 'quiz[grading_type]=points' \
-d 'quiz[instructions]=Instructions for quiz' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][calculator_type]=scientific' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][filter_ip_address]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][filters][ips]=[["",""], ["", ""]]' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][one_at_a_time_type]=question' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][allow_backtracking]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][shuffle_answers]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][shuffle_questions]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][require_student_access_code]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][student_access_code]=12345' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][has_time_limit]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][session_time_limit_in_seconds]=7500' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][max_attempts]=4' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][attempt_limit]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][score_to_keep]=average' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][cooling_period]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][cooling_period_seconds]=93600' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][multiple_attempts_enabled]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_items]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_feedback]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response_qualifier]=always' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][show_item_responses_at]=2023-01-01T00:00:00Z' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][hide_item_responses_at]=2023-01-02T00:00:00Z' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_points_awarded]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][result_view_restricted]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_points_possible]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_correct_answer]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response_correctness]=true'
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response_correctness_qualifier]=always' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][show_item_response_correctness_at]=2023-01-01T00:00:00Z' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][hide_item_response_correctness_at]=2023-01-02T00:00:00Z' \
Update a single quiz
PATCH /api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes/:assignment_id
Update a single quiz for the course.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
course_id | Required | integer |
no description |
assignment_id | Required | integer |
The id of the assignment associated with the quiz. |
quiz[title] | string |
The title of the quiz. |
quiz[assignment_group_id] | integer |
The ID of the quiz’s assignment group. |
quiz[points_possible] | number |
The total point value given to the quiz. Must be positive. |
quiz[due_at] | DateTime |
When the quiz is due. |
quiz[lock_at] | DateTime |
When to lock the quiz. |
quiz[unlock_at] | DateTime |
When to unlock the quiz. |
quiz[grading_type] | string |
The type of grading the assignment receives.
Allowed values: |
quiz[instructions] | string |
Instructions for the quiz. |
quiz[quiz_settings][calculator_type] | string |
Specifies which type of Calculator a student can use during Quiz taking. Should be null if no calculator is allowed.
Allowed values: |
quiz[quiz_settings][filter_ip_address] | boolean |
Whether IP filtering is needed. Must be true for filters to take effect. |
quiz[quiz_settings][filters][ips][] | string |
Specifies ranges of IP addresses where the quiz can be taken from. Each range is an array like [start address, end address], or null if there’s no restriction. Specifies the range of IP addresses where the quiz can be taken from. Should be null if there’s no restriction. |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][multiple_attempts_enabled] | boolean |
Whether multiple attempts for this quiz is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][attempt_limit] | boolean |
Whether there is an attempt limit. Only set if multiple_attempts_enabled is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][max_attempts] | Positive Integer |
The allowed attempts a student can take. If null, the allowed attempts are unlimited. Only used if attempt_limit is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][score_to_keep] | string |
Whichever score to keep for the attempts. Only used if multiple_attempts_enabled is true.
Allowed values: |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][cooling_period] | boolean |
Whether there is a cooling period. Only used if multiple_attempts_enabled is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][multiple_attempts][cooling_period_seconds] | Positive Integer |
Required waiting period in seconds between attempts. If null, there is no required time. Only used if cooling_period is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][one_at_a_time_type] | string |
Specifies the settings for questions to display when quiz taking.
Allowed values: |
quiz[quiz_settings][allow_backtracking] | boolean |
Whether to allow user to return to previous questions when ‘one_at_a_time_type’ is set to ‘question’. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][result_view_restricted] | boolean |
Whether the results view is restricted for students. Must be true for any student restrictions to be set. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_points_awarded] | boolean |
Whether points are shown. Must set result_view_restricted to true to use this parameter. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_points_possible] | boolean |
Whether points possible is shown. Must set result_view_restricted to true to use this parameter. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_items] | boolean |
Whether to show items in the results view. Must be true for any items restrictions to be set. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response] | boolean |
Whether item response is shown. Only set if display_items is true. Must be true for display_item_response_qualifier, show_item_responses_at, hide_item_responses_at, and display_item_response_correctness to be set. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response_qualifier] | string |
Specifies after which attempts student responses should be shown to them. Only used if display_item_response is true.
Allowed values: |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][show_item_responses_at] | DateTime |
When student responses should be shown to them. Only used if display_item_response is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][hide_item_responses_at] | DateTime |
When student responses should be hidden from them. Only used if display_item_response is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response_correctness] | boolean |
Whether item correctness is shown. Only set if display_item_response is true. Must be true for display_item_response_correctness_qualifier, show_item_response_correctness_at, hide_item_response_correctness_at and display_item_correct_answer to be set. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_response_correctness_qualifier] | string |
Specifies after which attempts student response correctness should be shown to them. Only used if display_item_response_correctness is true.
Allowed values: |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][show_item_response_correctness_at] | DateTime |
When student response correctness should be shown to them. Only used if display_item_response_correctness is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][hide_item_response_correctness_at] | DateTime |
When student response correctness should be hidden from them. Only used if display_item_response_correctness is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_correct_answer] | boolean |
Whether correct answer is shown. Only set if display_item_response_correctness is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][result_view_settings][display_item_feedback] | boolean |
Whether Item feedback is shown. Only set if display_items is true. |
quiz[quiz_settings][shuffle_answers] | boolean |
Whether answers should be shuffled for students. |
quiz[quiz_settings][shuffle_questions] | boolean |
Whether questions should be shuffled for students. |
quiz[quiz_settings][require_student_access_code] | boolean |
Whether an access code is needed to take the quiz. |
quiz[quiz_settings][student_access_code] | string |
Access code to restrict quiz access. Should be null if no restriction. |
quiz[quiz_settings][has_time_limit] | boolean |
Whether there is a time limit for the quiz. |
quiz[quiz_settings][session_time_limit_in_seconds] | Positive Integer |
Limit the time a student can work on the quiz. Should be null if no restriction. |
Example Request:
curl 'https://<canvas>/api/quiz/v1/courses/1/quizzes/12' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
-d 'quiz[title]=New quiz' \
-d 'quiz[assignment_group_id]=1' \
-d 'quiz[points_possible]=100.0' \
-d 'quiz[due_at]=2023-01-02T00:00:00Z' \
-d 'quiz[lock_at]=2023-01-03T00:00:00Z' \
-d 'quiz[unlock_at]=2023-01-01T00:00:00Z' \
-d 'quiz[grading_type]=points' \
-d 'quiz[instructions]=Instructions for quiz' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][calculator_type]=scientific' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][filter_ip_address]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][filters][ips]=[["",""], ["", ""]]' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][one_at_a_time_type]=question' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][allow_backtracking]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][shuffle_answers]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][shuffle_questions]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][require_student_access_code]=true' \
-d 'quiz[quiz_settings][student_access_code]=12345'
Delete a new quiz
DELETE /api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes/:assignment_id
Delete a single new quiz.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
course_id | Required | integer |
no description |
assignment_id | Required | integer |
The id of the assignment associated with the quiz. |
Example Request:
curl 'https://<canvas>/api/quiz/v1/courses/1/quizzes/12' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'