Line Items API
Line Items | Create a Line ItemUpdate a Line ItemShow a Line ItemList line ItemsDelete a Line Item |
Line Item API for IMS Assignment and Grade Services
A LineItem object looks like:
// The fully qualified URL for showing, updating, and deleting the Line Item
"id": "",
// The maximum score of the Line Item
"scoreMaximum": 50,
// The label of the Line Item.
"label": "50",
// Tag used to qualify a line Item beyond its ids
"tag": "50",
// A Tool Provider specified id for the Line Item. Multiple line items can share
// the same resourceId within a given context
"resourceId": "50",
// The resource link id the Line Item is attached to
"resourceLinkId": "50",
// The extension that defines the submission_type of the line_item. Only returns
// if set through the line_item create endpoint.
"": "{
// The launch url of the Line Item. Only returned if `include=launch_url` query
// parameter is passed, and only for Show and List actions.
"": "https://my.tool.url/launch"
Create a Line Item Lti::Ims::LineItemsController#create
POST /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items
Create a new Line Item
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
scoreMaximum | Required | number |
The maximum score for the line item. Scores created for the Line Item may exceed this value. |
label | Required | string |
The label for the Line Item. If no resourceLinkId is specified this value will also be used as the name of the placeholder assignment. |
resourceId | string |
A Tool Provider specified id for the Line Item. Multiple line items may share the same resourceId within a given context. |
tag | string |
A value used to qualify a line Item beyond its ids. Line Items may be queried by this value in the List endpoint. Multiple line items can share the same tag within a given context. |
resourceLinkId | string |
The resource link id the Line Item should be attached to. This value should match the LTI id of the Canvas assignment associated with the tool. |
startDateTime | string |
The ISO8601 date and time when the line item is made available. Corresponds to the assignment’s unlock_at date. |
endDateTime | string |
The ISO8601 date and time when the line item stops receiving submissions. Corresponds to the assignment’s due_at date. |
| | object |
(EXTENSION) - Optional block to set Assignment Submission Type when creating a new assignment is created.
Example Request:
"scoreMaximum": 100.0,
"label": "LineItemLabel1",
"resourceId": 1,
"tag": "MyTag",
"resourceLinkId": "1",
"startDateTime": "2022-01-31T22:23:11+0000",
"endDateTime": "2022-02-07T22:23:11+0000",
"": {
"type": "external_tool",
"external_tool_url": "https://my.launch.url"
Update a Line Item Lti::Ims::LineItemsController#update
PUT /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items/:id
Update new Line Item
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
scoreMaximum | number |
The maximum score for the line item. Scores created for the Line Item may exceed this value. |
label | string |
The label for the Line Item. If no resourceLinkId is specified this value will also be used as the name of the placeholder assignment. |
resourceId | string |
A Tool Provider specified id for the Line Item. Multiple line items may share the same resourceId within a given context. |
tag | string |
A value used to qualify a line Item beyond its ids. Line Items may be queried by this value in the List endpoint. Multiple line items can share the same tag within a given context. |
startDateTime | string |
The ISO8601 date and time when the line item is made available. Corresponds to the assignment’s unlock_at date. |
endDateTime | string |
The ISO8601 date and time when the line item stops receiving submissions. Corresponds to the assignment’s due_at date. |
Show a Line Item Lti::Ims::LineItemsController#show
GET /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items/:id
Show existing Line Item
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
include[] | string |
Array of additional information to include.
Allowed values: |
List line Items Lti::Ims::LineItemsController#index
GET /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items
List all Line Items for a course
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
tag | string |
If specified only Line Items with this tag will be included. |
resource_id | string |
If specified only Line Items with this resource_id will be included. |
resource_link_id | string |
If specified only Line Items attached to the specified resource_link_id will be included. |
limit | string |
May be used to limit the number of Line Items returned in a page |
include[] | string |
Array of additional information to include.
Allowed values: |
Delete a Line Item Lti::Ims::LineItemsController#destroy
DELETE /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items/:id
Delete an existing Line Item
Returns a LineItem object