CommMessages API
CommMessages | List of CommMessages for a user |
API for accessing the messages (emails, sms, etc) that have been sent to a user.
A CommMessage object looks like:
// The ID of the CommMessage.
"id": 42,
// The date and time this message was created
"created_at": "2013-03-19T21:00:00Z",
// The date and time this message was sent
"sent_at": "2013-03-20T22:42:00Z",
// The workflow state of the message. Possible values: 'created' : The message
// has been created, but not yet processed. 'staged' : The message is queued for
// sending. 'sending' : The message is being sent currently. 'sent' : The
// message has been successfully sent. 'bounced' : An error occurred during the
// sending of the message.'dashboard' : The message has been sent to the
// dashboard. 'closed' : The message has been sent and closed, typically for
// dashboard messages or messages sent to deleted users. 'cancelled' : The
// message was cancelled before it could be sent.
"workflow_state": "sent",
// The address that was put in the 'from' field of the message
"from": "",
// The display name for the from address
"from_name": "Instructure Canvas",
// The address the message was sent to:
"to": "",
// The reply_to header of the message
"reply_to": "",
// The message subject
"subject": "example subject line",
// The plain text body of the message
"body": "This is the body of the message",
// The HTML body of the message.
"html_body": "<html><body>This is the body of the message</body></html>"
List of CommMessages for a user CommMessagesApiController#index
GET /api/v1/comm_messages
Retrieve a paginated list of messages sent to a user.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
user_id | Required | string |
The user id for whom you want to retrieve CommMessages |
start_time | DateTime |
The beginning of the time range you want to retrieve message from. Up to a year prior to the current date is available. |
end_time | DateTime |
The end of the time range you want to retrieve messages for. Up to a year prior to the current date is available. |