UCLA English Department HyperTeach Site

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english_hyperteach UCLA English Department HyperTeach Site

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This site was established to serve as a resource for Teaching Assistants in the UCLA Department of English. We believe a website offers a particularly helpful format for providing support for TAs. On this site, you can find information about teaching in our department and using the Internet in your classes, as well as sample syllabi and sample lesson plans. If you are a graduate student or professor in the English department, you can also register and participate in an online discussion about teaching, soliciting or contributing advice on any thing you think is relevant to the TA experience. We also offer links to other sites, both at UCLA and beyond, that we think may be useful for TAs in our department. We invite you to please use the "Modules" function to explore, enjoy, and participate in HyperTeach Resources.



4w Syllabi & Materials

UCLA Resources

External Resources

First-Day Activities

Leading Discussion

Alumni Panels