Grading Quizzes
Grading Questions
Depending on the question type you have selected for your quiz, you may need to grade students’s submissions.
- Question types that support automatically graded quizzes are multiple choice, multiple selection, true or false, and fill-in-the-blank.
- Question types that require manual grading include the essay and file upload questions; however you can use the same method to revise machine graded questions if desired.
Note that if you have chosen to use randomized questions, the question order will vary.
Using SpeedGrader
The grading tool in Bruin Learn is called SpeedGrader.
From the course navigation menu select Quizzes, then click on the name of the quiz you’d like to grade. From the right hand menu, click on SpeedGrader.
To view a question, scroll down the quiz to the question you want to view. You can score the question by clicking on the question number, and then in the points field, entering a value.
View the video below to learn how to grade a classic quiz using SpeedGrader.
Adjusting the Grade for the Whole Quiz
Fudge Points
Bruin Learn allows you to also adjust a student’s score using, see How do I adjust the point value for an entire quiz using fudge points in SpeedGrader?.
To do this, enter the desired value in the Fudge Points window, and click on the Update Scores button. You should see the adjusted point value in the Final Score field.
Regrading a Quiz
If you have a quiz with a wrong answer designated as the correct answer, you can edit the quiz question indicating the correct answer and regrade student attempts Links to an external site.. Please note that the quiz regrade feature is only available after students completed the quiz and only works with certain question types: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, and True or False.