Introduction to BruinBuy Plus


Course# UCBBPX Introduction to BruinBuy Plus

Welcome to the Introduction to BruinBuy Plus!

This Introductory course will provide a foundation to additional trainings but is not required or tracked. We are aware of issues affecting user experiences and are working to address them. You can find some solutions below. 

 You may receive an email for required role-based end user training that must be completed to gain access to BruinBuy Plus. This depends on your role as a Campus Buyer, Fund Manager, Principal Investigator and/or PAN Reviewer. 


Note: While this course does not require SSO, we highly recommend that you log in using your credentials. Click the key icon-login in the top left-hand corner of the course page to sign in using SSO. Once you are signed in, it will change to a profile icon-account

Login arrow account


This course is comprised of two modules that must be viewed in succession of each other. 

1. Basic Functionality

This module will detail the user interface of BruinBuy Plus. You will explore how to make basic purchases. You will also be made familiar with the terms you will come across in this and future trainings. A short quiz will be taken at the end. When you complete this module you will be able to progress to the final eLearning.

2. Data Access

After completing the Basic Functionality module you will be able to begin Data Access which will show you the ins and outs of searching for Purchase Orders and shopping carts. This module will also show you how to save and customize your search tools.

You can begin by clicking the button below:


Begin Course Now

Course Notes/Issues

1. I experience freezing in the eLearning, fatal error. Cannot connect to iad.scorm server.

 Answer: The eLearnings created rely on a format called SCORM which is constantly pinging Canvas' server looking for user data. If you are not logged in this will result in a fatal error that increases with regularity as you continue. Please log in to avoid these errors. Having multiple windows with the same eLearning open will also cause this error.

2. I can't complete the course, or the modules do not show as complete after I have viewed them. Answer: Bruin Learn does not create guest accounts when users access the course anonomously. Please log if you want to check off each module as complete. There is no tracking in this course and all completed content is voluntary.
3. A slide won't progress and I am stuck in the eLearning.

Answer: If you encounter a slide that won't move forward, can't be progressed with the next button arrow or tells you to 'click here' but doesn't show anything. Please message us at with subject: eLearning Slide Error. We will quickly remedy this. 

You can also bypass this slide using the menu button in the top left.image.png

4. My eLearning starts at a random slide when I have never visited this site before.

Answer: We have noticed that users on Remote Desktops and VPN networks are somehow being assigned saved states from previous users. We apologize for this experience. If you refresh this page, and click Restart (not Resume), this will reset your eLearning.


Public Domain This course content is offered under a Public Domain Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.