Course Syllabus

Access the course syllabus

There is no set class time for this class. However, lectures, assessments, discussions and required reading must be completed before the deadlines, every week. Besides those constants, you need to be aware of everything else described in the course syllabus. Everybody with the pre-requisites and willing to spend 14-16 hours on this STEM class can do well in this course. The syllabus is required reading that will start your road to success in the course. 

    The pdf file with the complete course syllabus can be obtained by clicking here.

  The following sections below are some highlights extracted from the syllabus. Study the syllabus to obtain all the information you need. 


About the math prerequisite for this class 

In this course, we emphasize the applications of probability in Statistics and Data Science. But applications are guided by sound probability theory. The modern theory of probability, which is what guides us as to how to extract information from data, uses mathematics as a tool to get to its results, like most disciplines do.

Algebra and Calculus of one and several variables are prerequisites for this course because they allow you to understand better how we obtain the results that guide us in our search for truths. Matrix algebra helps once we move beyond two variables, but we do not do much that requires a lot of linear algebra.  Knowing what a matrix is and matrix multiplication and transpose and inverse are enough.

See the handout posted below to get an idea of the type of math that we will be using. It is just a small sample. Having the Calculus prerequisite helps you navigate the discussion of the methods smoothly so that you can concentrate on the applications and the extraction of information from data.

A small sample of math used in Probability Theory 

University Policies

Academic integrity

As a student and member of the University community, you are here to get an education and are, therefore, expected to demonstrate integrity in your academic endeavors. All students must uphold University of California Standards of Student Conduct as administered by the Office of the Dean of StudentsLinks to an external site. ( Students are subject to disciplinary action for several types of misconduct or attempted misconduct, including but not limited to dishonesty such as cheating, multiple submission, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:

If you are already registered with the Center for Accessible Education (CAE), please request your Letter of Accommodation in the Student Portal. If you are seeking registration with the CAE, please submit your request for accommodations via the CAE website. Students with disabilities requiring academic accommodations should submit their request for accommodations as soon as possible, as it may take up to two weeks to review the request. For more information, please visit the CAE website Links to an external site. , visit the CAE at A255 Murphy Hall, or contact us by phone at (310) 825-1501.

[source: Center for Accessible Education ( Faculty QuestionsLinks to an external site.]

UCLA provides resources if you are feeling overwhelmed and need personal and/or academic assistance.

Please see the Red Folder REV2020 webLinks to an external site. for more information.

Advocacy and Confidential Services

Please note that Title IX prohibits gender discrimination, including sexual harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.  If you have experienced sexual harassment or sexual violence, you can receive confidential support and advocacy at the CARE Advocacy Office for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, 205 Covel Commons, Los Angeles, CA, 90095,, (310) 206-246 5.  Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides confidential counseling to all students and can be reached 24/7  at (310) 825-0768.  

Reporting and Non-confidential Services

Your professor is required under the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment to inform the Title IX Coordinator should he become aware that you or any other student has experienced sexual violence or sexual harassment. In addition, You can also report sexual violence or sexual harassment directly to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, 2255 Murphy Hall, , (310) 206-3417. Reports to law enforcement can be made to UCPD at (310) 825-1491. 

Community Expectation

Our campus resides on what was historically the homeland of indigenous peoples who were dispossessed of their land. We  acknowledge the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (the Los Angeles basin and So. Channel Islands). As a land grant institution, we pay our respects to the Honuukvetam (Ancestors), ‘Ahiihirom (Elders) and ‘Eyoohiinkem (our relatives/relations) past, present and emerging. ( See UCLA Chancellor's message)Links to an external site.

Statistics and Probability are home for all individuals that are willing to be part of this community.  We are guided by the UCLA's office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, which provides resources, events, and information about current initiatives at UCLA to support equality for all members of the UCLA community. I hope that you will communicate with me or your TA if you experience anything in this course that does not support an inclusive environment, and you can also report any incidents you may witness or experience on campus to the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion on their website (  



Detailed and downloadable course syllabus

    You may access and download to your computer a  detailed course syllabus file with deadlines, grading criteria and other information  by clicking here. You will find the information in the syllabus also described in several segments of the course overview module, too, for emphasis, and to highlight most immediately needed information.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due