Course Syllabus

Syllabus: Access the syllabus below or click here.

Additional Information

For information on campus services (Undergraduate Writing Center, CAE) and course content resources, please visit our course's resources page.


Grade Calculation

If you would like to calculate your grade, use Canvas' What-If Grades feature.  What are What-If Grades?

Grade Distribution

Letter Grade Scheme
Letter Grade Scheme
Grade Percentage
A+ 100% to 97%
A 96.99% to 93%
A-  92.99% to 90%
B+ 89.99% to 87%
B 86.99% to 83%
B- 82.99% to 80%
C+ 79.99% to 77%
C 76.99% to 73%
C- 72.99% to 70%
D+ 69.99% to 67%
D 66.99% to 60%
F 59.99% to 0%

Additional University Policies

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

If you are already registered with the Center for Accessible Education (CAE), please request your Letter of Accommodation in the Student Portal. If you are seeking registration with the CAE, please submit your request for accommodations via the CAE website. Students with disabilities requiring academic accommodations should submit their request for accommodations as soon as possible, as it may take up to two weeks to review the request. For more information, please visit the CAE website , visit the CAE at A255 Murphy Hall, or contact us by phone at (310) 825-1501.

[source: Center for Accessible Education ( Faculty Questions]

Resources for Students

UCLA provides resources if you are feeling overwhelmed and need personal and/or academic assistance.

Please see the Red Folder REV2020 web for more information.

Title IX

Advocacy and Confidential Services

Please note that Title IX prohibits gender discrimination, including sexual harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.  If you have experienced sexual harassment or sexual violence, you can receive confidential support and advocacy at the CARE Advocacy Office for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, 205 Covel Commons, Los Angeles, CA, 90095,, (310) 206-246 5.  Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides confidential counseling to all students and can be reached 24/7  at (310) 825-0768.  

Reporting and Non-confidential Services

Your professor is required under the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment to inform the Title IX Coordinator should he become aware that you or any other student has experienced sexual violence or sexual harassment. In addition, You can also report sexual violence or sexual harassment directly to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, 2255 Murphy Hall, , (310) 206-3417. Reports to law enforcement can be made to UCPD at (310) 825-1491. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due