Глава 4: Зачем выходить замуж?
- Due No due date
- Points 99
- Questions 3
- Time Limit 2 Minutes
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
Direction: Read the article (186 words) and answer two questions. You have to complete the task in 1,5 minute.
Basic Speed Technique:
Word Group Speed Reading Techniques
Train your eyes to make fewer movements. While reading, your eyes move jerkily, stopping on some words and skipping others. You can only read while your eyes are stopped. Usually, you can read roughly two or three words at a time.
The goal is to decrease the number of “stops” your eyes perform as you read. Once you start taking chunks of words instead of reading individual words, your comprehension skills will naturally increase, therefore your overall reading abilities will improve a great deal. Read more: article on reading chunks of words Links to an external site..