External Applications or LTI
What are third-party tools?
Bruin Learn course functionality can be extended by integrating tools developed by an external vendor. Using the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard, courseware and external, third-party tools can be launched within a learning platform like Bruin Learn (Canvas). LTI integration enables instructors and students to move seamlessly from one application to another, such as Zoom, Google, or Box, all within Bruin Learn.
The following articles provide context on the functionality of LTI or third-party tools in Bruin Learn:
- LTI Fundamentals FAQ Links to an external site., created by the IMS Global Learning Consortium
- What are External Apps (LTI Tools)? Links to an external site. article in the Canvas Basics Guide
Are third-party tools available in Bruin Learn?
There are several third-party tools that are already available for faculty to use in Bruin Learn. Please visit the Academic Technology Tools page for an updated list and more information.
Please note that some schools or departments may use tools not available to the rest of the campus. There are also tools that have been requested for integration with Bruin Learn, and are in various discovery, acquisition, approval, and installation stages.
How do I use a third-party tool in a course?
Once an external tool is integrated into Bruin Learn, they can be enabled within Course Navigation, Modules, the Rich Content Editor, and Assignments.
You can manage placements for an external tool in your course. Placements determine where the tool can be accessed and used in Bruin Learn. The guides linked below provide instructions for enabling managing these tools.
- How do I manage Course Navigation links (including external apps)? Links to an external site.
- How do I select content from an external app in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? Links to an external site.
- How do I add an assignment using an external app? Links to an external site.
- How do I manage external app placements for a course? Links to an external site.
Can I request a tool for use in Bruin Learn?
Instructors can complete the Academic Technology Tool Request Form Links to an external site. to have an external tool be reviewed for integration into Bruin Learn.