Attendance (Roll Call)
The Attendance (Roll Call) tool is an external app (LTI) used for taking attendance in Bruin Learn courses. The Attendance tool can be used for online or face-to-face courses.
Enable the Attendance Tool from Course Settings
In a Bruin Learn course, navigate to the Settings link located in the left-hand Course Navigation menu. Enabling the attendance tool includes dragging it to the visible section of the Course Navigation menu.
KB Article: How do I enable Roll Call Attendance in my course? Links to an external site. Links to an external site.
Configure the Attendance Tool
Once enabled, configure the attendance tool to meet various needs such as excluding attendance from the final grade, specifying a lateness percentage, or changing attendance value.
Guide: How do I use the Roll Call Attendance tool in a course? Links to an external site.
Take Roll Call
Ensure the attendance tool is enabled, and that the course is published, before taking attendance.
Students cannot access the Attendance tool; only instructors have the ability to take attendance. Students can see the Attendance assignment on the Assignments page and view their attendance report as part of the Roll Call Attendance submission details page. If you are using attendance for grading, students can also view their attendance grade on the Grades page.
Guide: How do I take Roll Call using the Attendance tool? Links to an external site.
Edit the Attendance Assignment
After the first time an instructor or TA takes attendance, Bruin Learn automatically creates an assignment for Roll Call Attendance and adds a column to the Gradebook. By default, attendance is worth 100 points.
To avoid Attendance calculation errors, do not delete, rename, or unpublish the Attendance assignment. If the Attendance assignment is deleted, the Roll Call tool will not be able to take attendance. Bruin Learn automatically creates a new Attendance assignment within 15 minutes after a failed attendance attempt due to a deleted Attendance assignment.
Instructors can edit several components of the Roll Call Attendance assignment:
- Create a new weighted assignment group and move the attendance assignment into that group
- Edit the assignment and change the point value
- Remove Attendance from the Gradebook completely by changing the assignment type
The Attendance assignment will not appear until you have taken roll for at least one student.
Guide: How do I edit the Roll Call Attendance assignment? Links to an external site.
Run a Report
Instructors can run reports to view attendance data for the entire course or a specific student.
Guide: How do I run Roll Call Attendance reports in a course? Links to an external site.